Thursday, July 18, 2019

Second space race is going on. America is already losing it

Second space race is going on. America is already losing it
This year's 50th anniversary of America's victory in space race is a great time when we can show that when we do our best. It is difficult to believe that it is from half a century when I was standing on the beach with my parents and siblings, the Apollo 11 launch was only about miles away from Cape Canaveral. Since the first boot prints on the moon have been flowing over time. Perhaps that is why celebrating this anniversary is to celebrate.

The successful Apollo 11 mission showed the world that the United States had unmatched power in space. At that time, an essential part of the Cold War strategy was to land an American on the Moon and return it safely home: an act that would become one of the most adventurous technical efforts in human history. It laid the foundation for a generation of economic development, armed with American Statcraft and ensuring global power. Since Apollo, America's space capacity symbolizes the hope of billions around the world and reminds mankind of the promise of science to pursue it.
But the thrill of seeing the spectacular, and now-routine of SpaceX, Falcon Rocket has greatly influenced America's ancient space industry very much. Without the energy, leadership and risk taking of private citizens such as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and hundreds of apostles and investors motivated by them, our space scenario is almost completely unchanged and uncompetitive globally.

Today, the space industry is largely an extension of the government itself and is widely incompetent in how it allocates the capital to promote commercial development. The current government policy, rather than encouraging free market innovation and private investment, discourages commercial-type competition, strengthens improvements and opposes reforms to improve. In the near term to win the race for the Cold War technology, this narrow view has finally disrupted innovation, and we are now left behind.

At best, the government-funded space industry, with NASA and national security space programs, spending billions of dollars on obsolete technologies, while keeping the old Satellite architecture in line with life support. This part of our space industry has not been prepared to lead or compete for the next 50 years in 20 years of this down trend. If we lose the second space race already running, the result will actually be far worse than the first. This is not about threatening race rights or national prestige - it is about commercial economic development and national security.

Global entrepreneurs of this race are beginning the organizations with energy, mining, manufacturing, transport, finance, agriculture and communication, with huge value for commercial and government customers in next-generation small satellite capabilities. Like their desktop computer relatives who have changed the world economy in the 1980s, less than 1% of their new counterparts have been used in these new small satellites, rather than the ones we use Uses faster and smaller sophisticated processors. In Home Electronics.

Thousands of these satellites will be produced and launched in the next decade. They will fill the financial expansion of a multi-trillion dollar and ultimately enrich or replace existing commercial and national security satellites. These important national security campaigns include global situation, telecommunications, surveillance, reconnaissance, weather and defensive / offensive space warfare. Nations winning this race will also get the military edge of the 21st century - like aviation leaders in the 20th century - and take advantage of approximately 3 trillion of space economy.

These satellites are designed and manufactured by non-American companies (for the most part), with limited interest or notice by government policy leaders. The timeline of 10 to 15 years of US government's growth is baked in an ancient and largely non-culture. The world's best space industry, which had won space race decades ago, is now ruined by the loss of dollars, a rigid stalinist business model and rapidly growing military vulnerability.

Even more disturbing is that in this area of ​​space utility, there are few American owners in this area, with few notable exceptions, leaving the United States far behind.

How can we lose this race? Members of other countries, such as China and European Union, have quickly adjusted their priorities to capitalize US-based investments of previous generations, including rocket and microelectronics, to move forward in the next big economic turn. In addition, according to a report by Defense Department's Defense Innovation Unit, China supports rapid expansion of its space industry by investing directly in the next generation small satellites and space data companies to replace old satellites and gain military superiority. Used to be. Worse still, China has taken advantage of American innovations through alleged technology transfer that clones our most promising ventures and is stealing American intellectual property outright. By selling these technologies at 80% lower prices on the global market, sugar will be deployed for squash position of American companies to compete globally.

Our government's inactive, hand-up approach to this burden industry, leaves America's most innovative and micrically-guided companies, inspired by the success of SpaceX, to cope with the choice of a Hobson: Either accept foreign investment and put the potential future business in jeopardy and close your auspicious new venture. Completely. With the IP theft, technology cloning and the dangers of foreign companies, we are rapidly losing national security capabilities in space, from our pool of world-class universities to win the contracts of Defense Department. In order to privatize the existing infrastructure and primarily outsource the American-owned companies, without making major changes to the government space policy, our existing industry will gradually do nothing with "American" who can change it Is available for.

Innovation and entrepreneurship are at an all time high level level in the US, but an unfortunate result of post-war vision for space policy is a stable space industry. For pilgrims of our ancestors, we are already losing the race of space of this generation: Not because we have a shortage of money or our engineers are no less capable, but due to the absence of a brained leadership, Identify the tremendous nature of trends.

Other nations are moving ahead, standing on our shoulders and are leading the way. The US should face the technical changes and security threats of our time and once again, the government policy should be aligned to win. Like our parents, President John F. After the launch of Sputnik to embrace Kennedy's speech, it was provoked to conquer the challenge of the Cold War to go to the Moon first, to reinstate our spirit, to reconstruct our policies and to delay our return. The industry has not been to win today's space race.

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