Monday, February 25, 2019

Are News channels the common man's voice?

When the story related to 11 lakh people was vanished, do you really believe that the medium that is sitting in front of you is a representative of your voice. He is the representative of your voice or you are becoming the representative of its propaganda.

Do you really feel that news channels have given voice to the common man? Think about this question and ask yourself if your voice is going to the government or the issues that the government likes are coming to you through the channels. By understanding this difference, you will be able to see that when you come to the streets with your issues, then in most cases the channels go from there. Just like you are due to your problems. Not the government or its policy. The news channel has changed you through practice. Information and questions are easily disappeared. Teaching with a political agenda is to teach. Many people are also learning. It is in this process that the common man has disappeared from this space of media with his troubles. You can easily understand it. 11 lakh tribal people will be evicted from their land. These stories have not disappeared from the world of channels. If two of the 900 channels have come in four, then ignore it. When the story related to 11 lakh people was vanished, do you really believe that the medium that is sitting in front of you is a representative of your voice. He is the representative of your voice or you are becoming the representative of its propaganda. Becoming a spectator does not have to change the channel from the remote.
This news is not for those who do not want a pension. But these people have come for the pension Suddenly something happened. Since 2004 the old pension system has been abolished. Recently there was a small show in Delhi about pension We do not say that these people will go to see the issue of pension in front of the TV as they have also been damaged by Propaganda. Hindu-Muslim issues should also be on their minds. See also that when Jantar comes to Mantar with these issues, he can get his place in the media. It is not possible at all that every protest demonstration is covered, but the way in which the pension is a question after many ropes, why is the media running away from that question? MP lawmakers will take the pension and not the pension to the employee. If the New Pension Scheme is such a good plan then first of all, MPs and MLAs should be put in it. How much vacant should these people who came from different parts of the country, come to Delhi, raise slogans, but no one has notices. All of them have come to understand that half of the last salary was available in the old pension but no one knows how much it will get in the new pension scheme. But if these people are locked in a room and the poems of nationalist poets are announced, then my claim is that the pension will not be restored, the performance of the pensions will stop. These people also have to fight themselves. They are public or made of channels called audiences. Our colleague Rajiv Ranjan Jantar went to Mantar. Talk to a leader of All India State Government Staff Federation.

The pension has been a worldwide issue. Avoid the media but people come to the streets on this issue. They demanded that employees not be kept on the contract. The conscience of those who have been kept on contract and who are not getting pension, can give votes based on their question or on the basis of emotional issues. The time has come for these people to test their demands. This election is also the choice of the voters' citizens.

Now, these students have been sitting on the dais for 15 days in Pune. Here students of M Phil and PhD got monthly stipend of 5000 and 8000 rupees. The university closed it. Students who have taken admission for 2018-19 have not got stipend even after 10 months. Many of these are poor and first generation students. From 8th February to 20th February, these students have been lodged here. After 12 days of detention, no hearing was conducted, the students have started fasting for the last three days. They have 5 girls and 3 boys. Students of tribal background are so poor that a student is paying Rs. 150 for the vineyard because of stoppage of stipend. I have been told this. These students demand that M Phil students get 18 months of stipend and 4 years for PhD. For this, the closure of Pune University was called.

From Karnataka BJP MP to Professor of Political Science of BHU from Banaras BJP, till then my number is made public. MP Shobha tweeted photos of many journalists and asked them to teach the lesson to the traitors. This Professor of BHU has also been active in the Benaras BJP. It can easily be understood who is spreading rumors and who is giving recognition to those rumors. The abusers can not be patriots. Have you ever heard that our leaders involved in the fight for freedom used to give abuses? From Azad to Bhagat Singh to Gandhi till Gandhi Everyone has a great deal of language. Some people have threatened to kill me, whose complaint has been made in the police. There is a request that now when my number has arrived, make sure to use your discretion before making a phone call or message. Congratulations, best wishes, goodmorning messages, hello or greetings, do not send messages. Because of the contact with you, there was a message that I could not stop myself from reading. People have written to me for uncertain problems, but for the first time in 22 years of life, someone has written for the library. That too from Delhi's countryside. It is written that we are a resident of the adjoining assembly constituency of Lok Sabha of Southwest Delhi. 
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