Wednesday, May 01, 2019

How a Key Energy Technology Can Help Developing Countries

World Bank has a new program for financing advanced battery storage systems required for wind and solar energy work.

A global energy transition is going on. Its ability to redefine landscape will be felt in most developing economies. These economies will be the key places of growth and investment. Developing countries have already become the biggest source of energy demand, and they are leaving behind OECD countries in terms of development. Similarly, investment in renewable items is also under the leadership of developing countries. Sub-Saharan Africa, home to the majority of the population living with limited, poor quality or electricity, some of these changes will be the most important witness.

What can we predict about the changing system, that it will involve a large role of the battery for both electric vehicles and power storage. It is necessary that how governments will react, and the World Bank is responding to help with a focused, first-type program.

Global energy storage (excluding pumped hydro) is expected to attract more than $ 600 billion in investment over the next 20 years. Bloomberg New Energy Finance is growing rapidly to reach both the utility scale and "back-meter" (on businesses, industrial facilities and on-site homes) to reach approximately 7 percent of total installed capacity by 2040. This is battery revolution. Worldwide, and its rapid growth is due to both falling prices, and many benefits for power system, from helping shift demand and enabling the integration of solar energy to increase the reliability.

The solar revolution has already had an impact. Many countries in Africa are rapidly centralized, utility-level systems, as well as deployed decent, small systems that can provide power to homes and businesses. These decisions are inspired by economics. The price of photovoltaic (PV) has decreased by nearly 80 percent in the last decade. Batteries can be quickly deployed and provide very attractive properties to this area.

As an example, in the Sahel such as Burkina Faso and Mali, the country is developing Regional Solar Park which will work as demonstration projects for other countries in West Africa. And meditation is not limited to residential use. Prioritizing local agricultural processing, irrigation and light industries Low carbon and more secure energy, a change for the future, less operational costs and strengthening the grid, these countries have many benefits from economic and social development to security. Well-designed rules are fundamental to realizing these benefits, and to ensure that they are felt in developing countries.

Battery storage systems are giving reliable power at almost a third of the cost of diesel generators, and there is better supply chain flexibility. There are other benefits too: Bad-quality and adulterated diesel is highly polluting and is associated with major health effects throughout the continent. Sales of diesel are often associated with organized crime; Consumers can pay higher prices for fuel in poor communities where there is little monitoring.

Storage comes in many varieties. Energy storage, in some cases, can complement transmission infrastructure projects as well as complement the diesel generator and gas power plant. Pumped storage has been used for decades, but it is battery storage which is now receiving the attention of the lion as the cost reduces and the spread of technologies. The International Energy Agency (IEA) included battery contribution in the power system's flexibility for the first time in its World Energy Outlook 2018. By 2040, IEA increases the grid-connected battery addition by 100 times a day.

Battery storage system has proven to be cost-effective in balancing supply and demand at the second time. As a result, frequency swings are limited, there are less blackouts, operating costs decrease, and system stability increases for the benefit of all customers. In South Africa, the national utility Eskom focuses on developing battery storage capacity (the largest in the region), which will be used to enable integration of current and future variable renewable energy efficiency. The Gambia and the Central African Republic are looking for battery storage to help stabilize its delicate grid.

Bounce in batteries, promise another category of profit, if it is correct. These next generation batteries (such as cathode materials like lithium, nickel, manganese and cobalt) are important components, the demand of metals and minerals is expected to grow very fast in some cases up to 10 times by 2050. Some of these are found in African countries. One of the biggest challenges of Africa's energy transition will be to ensure that the governance and management of the body industries be strengthened so that Africans get the benefit of this coming surge, and that issues of stability and labor situation in the supply chain To be addressed.

Last autumn, the World Bank Group pledged $ 1 billion for a program to accelerate the investment in battery storage in developing countries. A new international partnership is to expand the utilization of energy storage associated with this program and to help bring new technologies into power systems of developing countries.

Accepting the need to maintain the sustainability of energy storage in the developing world, and promising the important opportunities which increase the power of storage electricity to integrate more renewable energy, will encourage international cooperation on energy storage participation (ESP) : Technology research development to help develop energy storage solutions in line with the needs of developing countries. Performance, system integration, and policies and regulations.

To date, investments have been small-scale, but are important in the nascent market. At the global level, the bank has financed about 15 percent of the stable battery capacity, which is already deployed or is currently under development - mostly through mini-grid projects and to increase flexibility in island states. But big projects are now being developed. For example, in the Mali and Burkina Faso, the bank is developing this area's largest solar park with PV-battery system. These projects connect standard tenders and de-risking devices to attract private developers.

In some ways, the pace of energy transition will be determined by the developing countries. So far, grid-scale battery technologies have been mainly deployed in OECD countries, but by sharing and sharing the benefits of battery storage, this new solution should be the foundation of economic development in Global South.
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