Thursday, May 16, 2019

How to Protect WhatsApp accounts are being hacked in India, the company told to avoid this formula

How to Protect WhatsApp accounts are being hacked in India, the company told to avoid this formula. WhatsApp patches a flaw that has been used to install spyware on Android . Update WhatsApp now: Bug lets snoopers put spyware on your phone with just a call ... app that gives snoops a way to remotely inject Israeli spyware on iPhone . is a buffer overflow vulnerability within WhatsApp's VOIP function.

The Facebook-owned company said that this weakness was detected at the beginning of this month and the work to fix it immediately was started. This drawback helps hackers enter code in mobile and execute them.

Messaging app WhatsApp has urged its 1.5 billion users to update the app to avoid "threat of spyware". Because of the security flaws in WhatsApp, the hackers' phones have revealed the need to put spyware in the phone. After this the company has taken this step.
The Facebook-owned company said that this weakness was detected at the beginning of this month and the work to fix it immediately was started. This drawback helps hackers enter code in mobile and execute them.

The company has changed its infrastructure to thwart the attack. Whatsapp said without anybody's name that there is a sign of the hand of the private company in the attack. This company allegedly supplies spyware to governments. This spyware affects the operation of mobile operating.

Whatsapp spokesperson said in an e-mail statement, "Whatsapp is asking people to update the new version of the app and upgrade the mobile operating system so that information stored on mobile devices can be protected from potential attacks.

The company has not told the number of users affected by spyware. According to reports, this spyware was allegedly created by the Israeli Cyber ​​Intelligence company NSO Group. This deficiency of Whatsapp allows hackers to insert spyware into mobile by calling hackers via voice calls. Whether you pick up the call or not.

The company said that he has started an investigation in this matter and has given information to American agencies to help in the investigation.
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