Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Bridget Namiotka: John Coughlin sexually abused me before he killed himself

Bridget Namiotka: John Coughlin sexually abused me before he killed himself
A former partner of US figure-skating champion John Coughlin - who committed suicide in January - has come forward with claims of sexual abuse for two years.

Revealed by Bridget Namiotka in response to Coughlin, USA Today was done in response to a deleted Facebook post on Sunday.

"I'm sorry, but John hurt at least 10 people, including me," he wrote. "She has sexually assaulted me for 2 years. No innocent executes them.

The 33-year-old Kaflin was placed on the eligibility restricted by the US Center for SafeSport, an organization that investigates bullying and physical and sexual abuse in the game a month before killing herself. He was being investigated for allegations of misbehavior - whose nature was not disclosed at that time.

The 29-year-old Nomottika was skating with Kaufflin from 2004 to 2007, when she was between 18 and 21 years old and she was 14 to 17 years old. Together they won three medals in the Junior Grand Prix series and in 2007 were ranked ninth on the senior level. US National Championships

He followed on Facebook with other comments about Coughflin.

"Someone said that innocent is not hanging himself," he wrote. "Think of the victims when you are speaking for at least 10 girls what are you doing for them.

He also posted, "Grooming happens. It happened to me and he hurt many girls. Think about the victims. "

John Manley, lawyer, who represents Namotica, as well as more than 200 victims of infamous gymnastics coach Larry Nasser, confirmed that he wrote Facebook posts.

Coughlin was a two-time American couple, who had two other partners. A day after he suspended by Safesport, he was hanged in his father's house in Kansas City.

Sources told USA Today that Kafilin was being investigated for three reports of sexual abuse. His death ended that investigation.

When asked about the allegations of NAMATICA, Tara Modalin, former agent of KAFFLIN, told in a text message to USA Today, "It seems that you want me to comment on an unstable Facebook comment (SIC) - I In fact, I can understand your question. ... I suggest that some of his other colleagues should be called ... "
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