Monday, May 20, 2019

Trump issues harsh warning to Iran, Trump says war would lead to 'end' of Iran

President Trump issued a tough new warning to Iran, Trump issues harsh warning to Iran, Trump says war would lead to 'end' of Iran

President Donald Trump on Sunday issued a strong warning to Iran that if a war broke out between the two countries, it would face its "official end".

In a tweet immediately after a rocket landed near the US embassy in Baghdad in Iraq, Trump said, "Nobody has threatened America again."

After Trump's comments, he had sought to soften his voice on Iran in recent days, after which the tension increased after the sudden deployment of American attackers and increased stress on an unspecified threat by an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf.

The Iraqi military said that Katyusha rocket that landed in the heavily fortified green zone of Baghdad, less than a mile from the US Embassy, ​​no one was injured, it was believed that the eastern Baghdad was fired. This area is home to the Iran-backed Shia militia.

It is expected that Democratic and Republican MPs expected to obtain a classified briefing in Iran on Tuesday for more information on intelligence, which has led to increased U.S. military footprint in the Gulf. The State Department last week ordered to partially vacate the US Embassy in Baghdad.

In an interview with Fox News broadcast on Sunday, Trump said that he did not want to fight with Iran, but he vowed not to allow him to become a nuclear weapon.

"I am not the one who wants to go to war, because the war causes economies, the war kills the people most importantly - most importantly," said the president.

Officials in Iran have reduced the hunger of Tehran's war.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif told the state news agency Irana at the weekend in the Middle East, "After the war, we do not want war or anybody's confusion that they can face Iran in this area. . "

Responding to Trump's new comments on Monday, Zarif tweeted: "From #B_Team @realdonaldTrump is hoping to achieve what Alexander, Genghis and other attackers failed to achieve. Long time for the Iranian militia Till the offensive, all went away. #EconomicTerrorism and genocide dictators won. " t 'finish Iran.' #NeverThreatenAnIranian Try to respect - it works! The reference to "B-Team" Trump's National Security Advisor John Bolton, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the real leader of Saudi Arabia, Muhammad bin Salman. The three men have taken strong action against Iran.

After the withdrawal of the nuclear deal between Iran and the World Powers, the tension between Iran and the United States has increased one year and has re-imposed restrictions that have seriously damaged its economy. Tehran has demanded that the European signatory for the nuclear deal - France, Germany and the United Kingdom - find a way to keep the agreement alive or it will start enriching uranium at an adequate level to further reinforce the nuclear weapons program. 
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