Monday, June 24, 2019

What is the truth about the pain during sex in girls?

Science - What is the truth about the pain during sex in girls?

This is true of girls going through the youth stage of the world. Whether she is living in a remote country in India or a girl living in the most modern neighborhood of London.

Even after coming from different backgrounds, one thing is common among all these. During the entry of puberty, these assumptions about sexual relations between these young women start to develop that there will be pain during sex. Some of these things can be understood by sexual education and where there is no such system of education, there is a sister, sister-in-law and mother who lives in this neighborhood.

Blood may be released during sexual intercourse. It was also frightened in the mind that sexual transmission may have to be two to four infections. Not only this, women are also faced with labor due to being pregnant.

Although we have seen videos of several young women during delivery, in which they are not screaming at all. But the fears are not short on all these.

On the other hand, there is no such thing about sex with boys. They talk of excitement and orgasm. At the same time, there are many types of fear and frustration in the minds of girls in the sexual relationship.

For this reason, sex is an apprehension for one side. Women believe that pain has to happen. It is not that the fear of this pain is only in the first sex.

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The 24-year-old Jess says she does not know how to get rid of pain and sadness in sex. He said, "I was in a lot of stress from what I heard about sex. I was very cautious. I was suffering from various types of myths about organism. I was unable to free myself even during the sexual relationship with what I was told. I was told that there could be pain during sex and I had to accept it even without wanting. "

He said, 'I chose a cautious and respectful partner. Along with this I have examined many things about physical relations itself. If your partner is right then the thing like pain is absolutely false. "

Hannah Witton talks on everything related to sex on the YouTube channel. Regarding the pain in sex, she says, "Many women do not have to face pain during sex that there is a pain in sex. Rather, it is because we do not know how to have a good sex. "

Of course, many conditions in sex are painful. If you have to face pain during physical connection then this is a serious problem. Swati Jha, spokeswoman of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecologist (RCOG), says, "Vagina pain can be caused by scratches and STI. Sometimes there is irritation due to latex condom and soap. "Swati Jha says that if the pain is done then the sexual health clinic should be contacted.

However, Dr Christine Mitchell, senior research fellow at the University of Glasgow says that the pain in sex is entirely related to psychological and social factors. Kristin did a study in 2017 and found that 10 percent of girls aged 16 to 24 years of age have to face sex in the UK.

He said, "If a young woman does not want to have sex like that, or does it with unconscious or can not talk openly how much she is able to absorb, then in such a situation, sex is painful. There is a variety of prejudices among women that they do not have the right to enjoy sex in sex or less. Many women accept it in such a way that it is a woman, so there will be pain in sex.

There has been a study in the United States and the study's researcher Sarah McLland had asked women and men what lesser satisfaction in sex meant for them. The answer of the men on this question was: the partner's indifference and the answer of the women was pain.

Kim Lolia had to face similar experiences. Now they are working to eliminate this fear and problem between women.

Lolia is the founder of London-based sex education service. Along with that he also brings an online magazine. They believe that uncomfortable sex is not necessarily that they are from physical problems. It is possible that he is due to being silent.

Kim says, "When women feel pain, they take it quietly. They do not speak. When it hurts, it seems that there is a problem in them. They are afraid that their partner will not be considered bad. During sex, everything should be reciprocated, respectively and worth listening to each other. "
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