Thursday, April 11, 2019

Discover The return of Cthulhu Fossil - the small sea critter

New Haven, Conn. Cathulu is calling from an ancient depth - and at this time, the researchers are very happy to speak only its name.

The researchers identified the 430 million-year-old fossil of Oxford, Yale, Leicester University, Imperial College London and University College London as a new species, which is related to live sea cucumbers. He named the organism of Solasina cthulhu, after which H.P. Lifted Stricken Monster, Cathulu

A study declaring search appears on April 10 in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

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The new cthulhu, Sollasina, had 45 tubular components such as tube feet, which used to crawl it with sea level and occupy food. The organism was small, about the size of a large spider. It was found in Herefordshire Lighthatt in the United Kingdom, a site that has proved to be a herd of ancient sea animals.

The group, which includes sea urchins, sea cucumbers and marine stars - with soft-tissue protection, "Yale Paleontologist Derek Briggs co-authored the study." This is an extinct group related to the new species called opiocytios.

High-resolution, with the help of physical-optical tomography, we describe the species in 3D, which reveal the internal elements of the water vascular system which were previously unknown to this group and, in fact, in almost all fossil echinoderms . "

The 3D reconstruction process involves painting a fossil away, layer layer layers, and taking photographs at each stage. This results in hundreds of slice images, which are digitally confined to "virtual fossil".

This is the reason that the researchers were able to understand the internal water vascular system of Solacina and determine that it is more closely related to sea cucumbers rather than sea ucins.

According to the information, Briggs said, "Water vascular system structures operate as tents, which they used to capture movement and food." "The tubes of living echinoderm are nude, but they were offered in the Opioquiiodoids. Our analysis strongly suggests that Opioquiiodides are out of line for modern sea cucumbers."

Researchers said that the existence of Solasina demonstrates that sea cucumber skeleton was gradually modified during assembly of its body plan.
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