Friday, April 19, 2019

Passover starts Friday night. What you need to know about the Jewish holiday When Jesus Celebrated Passover
When Jesus Celebrated Passover
On Friday night, millions of Jewish people around the world will gather around a table to celebrate the Passover, an eight-day holiday that remembers the exodus of Jews from slavery in Egypt more than 3,000 years ago.

Passover and Easter always come in one season - this year, there is no different day and no accident. In fact, some of the basic ideas, images, and theological convictions of Christianity can be told about ancient Jewish holidays. In the days of the temple in Jerusalem, Passover is the historical anchor of accounts of the Gospels of Jesus' death and resurrection. Freedom from slavery and oppression in Jewish tradition; Freedom from sin and death in the Christian tradition: All these ideas come to the figures of Jesus of Nazareth. And that is because Jesus himself had kept the Passover.

One of the most important Jewish holidays of the year, the Passover brings people together to bring the miracle of escape as described in the Bible.

Above all, the holiday of the Passover is coming together as one, and ends - in prayer and thought - with the hope of peace for all.

For the uninhabited, here are five things to know about the Passover:

1. This is a family affair
The Passover begins with a 'cedar', which is a festive dinner, in which the part is performed, the eating part is graniting plat. (On the first and second night more religious Jews have cedars). This ritual consists of four cups of wine and text of Hagadah, a Jewish text which includes prayers, portions of the story and songs. When you are small, and hungry, it may feel like the story is happening in real time. (Bring on the food!) It is meant to be less important and, hope for those people around the table, have fun.

2. In bad news for carb lovers, bread is not allowed
The Jews, who observe the tenacity of the holiday, can not eat chomatz - any good, which contains wheat, mustard, barley, oats or spellings which has been exposed to water for more than 18 minutes - these eight days During. That's right - no pizza, cookies or pasta. It is to celebrate the hasty with which the Jews fled to Egypt - they left so early that there was not enough time to raise the bread made by them.

3. But, a new decision has been made!
For the first time in more than 800 years, rice and beans can be eaten with the Passover meal. Everything in a class of food called Kanniyot - which includes rice, beans, maize and other legumes - was restricted by Ashkenazi rabbis since 1200 because they were often wheat. However, this is not that easy. In the reform and conservative movements of orthodox Jews, the Rakhnese lineage, unlike those mainly from the Middle and Eastern European lineages, still maintain that Kinniot is forbidden during the holiday.

4. Matzo Jalore
Rather than the bread, the Jews eat whole-day holidays, especially in the cedar, Matzow-brand, cracker-like, unleavened flatbreads. Bake in 18 minutes or less, every piece of dough has hundreds of holes which prevent dough to grow and make chomatz. Kindly, each mother is only 100 calories, so eat it!

5. Pass-over - for real
According to the Bible, God tried 10 plagues on the Egyptians in an effort to free the Jews from bondage. In the last and most destructive plague, God included killing every wrestling Egyptian son, while "passing" on homes and distorting the lives of Jewish first sons.
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