Thursday, May 09, 2019

China’s PUBG Battlegrounds replacement makes people wave goodbye after they die

Despite having around 70 million average daily active users in the mobile version, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds in China is no more. Instead, we’ve got Game for Peacenow, which, while almost identical to PUBG in many ways — it’s Tencent’s replacement for the battle royale sensation — the finer details are a little absurd.

For example, take a new dying animation of Game for Peace, where your enemies call you goodbye after killing you. OK then.

Game For Peace is the latest in Tencent's saga to try to monetize PUBG in China, a country with strict rules about issuing video games in this area. According to Reuters, after one year's efforts, Tencent has now taken the PUBG down to China, and has changed it with the government-friendly socialist game.

As they describe it, Game For Peace - which still contains murder - "tributes to the warriors of the blue sky that protect the [China’s] airspace." PUBG users are aware that despite their previous progress in PUBG Tencent, the game has been for Peace. The insistence is that "they are very different in the game."

Perhaps, however, the picture of peace for the game is the biggest difference of violence: while it is still a feature of shooting mechanics, there is no gore. It is understandable, given that China has banned the video game of violence, sex, or gambling as well as the negative light in the country.
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