Thursday, May 09, 2019

Get paid to play Fortnite Score US$1,000 for playing 50-hours of Fortnite and get free internet for one year

Score US$1,000 for playing 50-hours of Fortnite and get free internet for one year.
About the latest news about Fortnite. ... Play 50 hours of Fortnight to score US $ 1,000 and get a free internet for one year. May 8, 2019 Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Battle Royal Mode is New Player Friendly? ... On the Nintendo Rolls Console Royal Games will not require a paid subscription to the Royal Games online.

Getting paid to play games throughout the day is a dream job for many people. There are many ways you can make it a reality, such as Live-Streaming on Twitch. is currently looking to pay someone to play Fortnite in this summer, and will cover their high speed internet costs for a year, as well as hook them up with a new modem and router. Best, this opportunity is open to everyone, not just for professional gamers.

The selected applicant will be paid 50 hours (between 7 June and 31 July) for the first 1,000 dollars, first on his current internet connection, and then on an upgraded connection, and then on Twitch Will be live-streamed. says the entire package - including recommended modem / router combo for your area and a gaming router - is worth approximately $ 3,000.

Some restrictions should be known about. Successful candidates must be over 18 years of age and must be authorized to work in the USA.

Here's a basic idea of what you have to know, click on the link below and read all the terms and conditions High Speed Internet has put on this competition.

Applications are open till 31st May, 2019 and you can apply here.
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