Saturday, June 29, 2019

What are digital or online marketing and how to get started

What are digital or online marketing and how to get started 
Friends, you must have heard the name of marketing and know about it but you all know what is Digital anur Online Internet Marketing.

If you know well, if you do not know then today we are going to tell you about this. In a way you can call it complete tutorial of digital marketing and online internet marketing.

What is digital marketing?
One way to reach your product through the online internet in the global market is to use a mobile device that can globally promote your product or brand through digital equipment. This is what we know by the name of digital marketing or online internet marketing.

Just like how we promote offline advertising by leaflet, paplets, poster, banner, in the same way, online internet marketing or digital marketing is also done. The main purpose of both is to reach more and more people. But through digital marketing you can reach the global market at a lower cost.

How do digital or online marketing?
Nowadays, large political parties are also proposing digital and online internet marketing to promote their party, and are also successful. So let's know how to advertise with this digital aur online internet marketing.

1-Display Advertising
In this type of advertise, we create 10-20 second video or gif image or banner ads in our product and highlight it in our product.

2- Blogging Ads
When a product ad comes to a blog Which is related to the keyword of that blog post, or the user's interest from the website viewed by that user is taken from the cache of his browser, and the advertisement is displayed to the user, then a blogging ad is called.

You can also promote your product or service through blog. It can also be a free blog or a paid blog. It does not make any difference, just need to keep it updated.

3-Text Ads
When text or text is displayed on a blog or website instead of the image or video it is called text ads.

4- SEO or Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization is called SEO in shortcode only. If you have a blog or website or an ecommerce website, then the method that you use to bring it to the first page of serp (search engine result page) is called SEO. For blog or ecommerce website, traffic is a big source of search engine. It is currently of two types. on page seo and second off page seo.

5- Sponsored Search
If you search for a website in a search engine, then the other website related to that website appears on the top of the serp's first result, in which the ad is written in one corner. The advertisement written in the advertisement is a sponsored serach product.

6- Social media marketing
When you use a social media such as Facebook, twitter linkedIn, Instagram, you might have noticed that some user friendly ads show on the timeline. Which displays on the user's browsing cache and search history. If you advertise through social media, you can set gender and age to help you with the help of Filar. This advertisement is the cheapest and most effective.

Facebook is a great marketing platform. By which you can reach your target audience in a very cheap and effective manner.

If you ignored twitter in the world of digital marketing, then you made a big mistake. There is more than 300 million users on twitter this time. And every day many users are joining it. So it's a good platform for digital marketing like facebook.

7- Mobile Ads
In mobile ads, you can send sms directly to the user's mobile. Or if the user uses the smartphone then he can show ads directly on his mobile screen.

8- Email marketing or Email ads

By this, you send your product information directly to the image in the image, video or gif or in the email in the email inbox of its email. Thereby increasing the sales and traffic.

9-Chat ads
When you use the chat of any social media, you get information about your product to the customer, it is called chat ads.

There are many more ways of internet marketing. There are a lot of tools in the market that you can target your customer. Some way

  • Floating Ads
  • Web banner ads
  • Frame Ads
  • Pop-Up / Pop under Ads
  • Expanding Advertising
  • Trick banner
  • Interstitial Ads
  • Online Classifieds Ads
  • Adware
  • Supplemental marketing


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Now you may have understood what digital aur internet marketing is and how it is done. And why all national and multi national companies are using it. If you like this post, please share it on Facebook, Google+, Twitter
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