Tuesday, July 02, 2019

TriMet will end mobile app ticket in August, in move to Hop Fastpass card


TriMet will end mobile app ticket in August, in move to Hop Fastpass card 
TriMet announced on Monday that August 6 will be on the last day when riders can purchase tickets using the mobile ticketing app. Users of the app will have the time till December 31 to use those tickets.

The end of the app's age should not surprise anyone. Triumet is saying that it will dig the app from last year in 2019.

The agency is instead focusing on the Hope Fastpass Card for mobile users, which started in 2017. Hop allows users to pay only for their ride, and converts two rides into a daily pass in one day. Each pass is added, and when the rider pays the monthly pass, they do not pay again.

The card works on C-Tran, TriMet and Portland Streetcar and is now available as an app and in a physical card.

In Monday's release, TriMet called Hop a "better way to pay" than the old app launched in 2013. The agency is suggesting that users change the present value of their mobile ticket to the Triumph Ticket office in the Pooinor and to the hop card. To participate in "Ticket Exchange Event" this summer in Courthouse Square or Portland area.

On those events, mobile users and paper ticket holders can convert the value of their existing tickets into free hop cards. Generally, the cost of the hop card is $ 3 (even if you use the app)

Triumet spokesman Tia York on Monday said that once the ticketing app does not work, there are several ways to pay the bus fares, beyond a hop card or cash. Riders can use credit cards to buy single ticket hop tickets on vending machines. Those tickets can be purchased as near 2.5 hours or one day.

"Hope readers can accept payments from Apple, Google or Samsung Pay via a debit or credit card connected smartphone, in which no hop card is necessary," York said. "The contactless credit card can also be used to buy fare on a hop reader without a hop card."

TriMet is also using paper stamp with foil stamp till December 31.

York said, "After paying a paper ticket, to pay for a single ride," the riders can buy tickets at a bus or a vending machine on a vending machine.
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