Monday, July 15, 2019

Trump doubles down after telling Democratic congresswomen to 'go back' to their countries

Trump doubles down after telling Democratic congresswomen to 'go back' to their countries
President Trump said on Sunday night that during a growing attack on his first tweet, a group of Democratic Congress said that he should "go back" to the countries he had come to.

"Democrats stare at people who are so badly spoken to our country, and besides, who hate Israel with true and unbridled passion. Whenever they face, they are with Nancy Pelosi, 'Raccist' Call your opponents. " Trump said in a pair of tweets.

"Many terrible things they should say about their abominable language and the United States should not be allowed to be unacceptable. If the Democrats want to continue such abominable behavior, then we can see you in the ballot box even more. Look forward. 2020! "He continued.

Trump was responding to the comments made earlier on Sunday in which he targeted a group of anonymous progressive Congress which "basically came from the countries whose governments are complete and total devastation".

In the tweet, which was shown in the reps. Alexandria Okasio-Cortez (DN.Y.), Illhan Omar (D-Min.), Rashida Talib (D-Mix.) And Ayanana Presley (D-Mass.) The President suggested that they "go back and help complete the broken and crime-affected places where they came from."

Trump's comments were condemned by his critics as racist. All four of the newly elected Congress are American citizens, and only Omar, who came to America as a refugee from Somalia, was born outside the US

Furious on Trump's tweet gave rise to the controversial Democratic Party's united opportunity to criticize the President. The party has been furious over more than a week ago, provoked by an interviewer, Nancy Pelosi (D-California), last Sunday, to The New York Times, in which she made a fresh comment about the Congress, which some people Was rejected by.

Okasio-Cortez told The Washington Post that the tension within the party has increased because they thought that Pelosi is targeting women in color, although New York Democrats said they do not believe that speakers are racist.

This dispute was further extended after comment about the rape of the Chief of Staff of the Okasio - Cortez of the official Twitter account of the House Democratic Caucus on Friday, about the comments about Sackat Chakraborty, about the comments about the rape.

Nonetheless, Trump's tweets provided the Democrats an opportunity to show united front on Sunday, although temporary.

The Democrats across the spectrum, from the Progressive of the Okasio-Cortez to the Pelosi colleagues like Repo Hakim Jeffries (DN.Y.), rejected the tweet, in which Jeffries called Trump "racial aristocrat".

Trump stepped up in the first week of intra-party dispute, told reporters that he felt that Okasyo-Cortez was "insulting" towards Pelosi.
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