Sunday, August 04, 2019

Denis Villeneuve’s Dune will hit theaters in December 2020

Denis Villeneuve’s Dune will hit theaters in December 2020, Warner Bros. has moved its release date for Dennis Villeneuve's adaptation of Dune, hitting its original release date from November 20, 2020 to December 18, 2020. The film is the latest adaptation of Frank Herbert's classic 1965 science fiction novel, which is set. A desert planet in a feudal galaxy.

With the news, Warner Bros. says that the film will get an IMAX release. The new date will take the slot that Disney typically released their Star Wars films, ensuring that science fiction fans will get another big Space Opera blockbuster that month.

Villanuev comes with an impressive track record in the film, when science fiction arrives, first with his first contact film Arrival, and Blade Runner 2049. According to Joshua Grod, the CEO of Legendary Entertainment, the project is expected to include two films, which Herbert's son Brian returned after saying that the first screenplay almost covers the first part of the novel. Already, we've seen a steady drip of news, revealing the fantastic cast for the project.

Villainew's film is the latest on the novel. David Lynch famously directed an adaptation in 1984, which went on to achieve cult status, and SCI FI Channel produced a short series and a sequel in 2000 and 2003.

The story follows a great house, the Atreides, since they are given control of the desert planet Arrakis. The planet is the only known source of melange (spice), a drug that enhances human mental abilities, and makes space travel possible. When the family is overthrown by rival Harkonnen's house, Paul Atrides runs away and is taken away by nomads known as Freedom. He becomes their messenger leader, and works to lead a revolution on the planet to overthrow the Harkonens. Herbert wrote several sequels, while his son continued the series with a huge series that continued to expand and explore the world.
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