Thursday, September 12, 2019

Anant chaturdashi 2019: 14 lumps of Anantasutra are symbols of 14 worlds

Anant chaturdashi 2019: 

14 lumps of Anantasutra are symbols of 14 worlds
On the holy festival of Anant Chaturdashi, worship of Lord Vishnu, the follower of creation, is done. On this day, 14 knot Anant Sutras are tied with worship. It is said that the 14 knots of Anantasutra symbolize the 14 worlds. It is also believed that one who observes Anant Chaturdashi fast for 14 years attains Vishnu Loka. The eternal thread is tied by the men in the right and the women in the left hand.

Describing the glory of Lord Vishnu, Goswami Tulsidas ji has written that 'Hari Anant Jehi Katha Ananta ... That is Lord Shri Hari is infinite, his legend and glory is also infinite. The same Anant Bhagwan is worshiped on Anant Chaturdashi.

The mention of this fast is also found in the Puranas, when the Pandavas were suffering in the forest after losing all their royalty in gambling, Lord Krishna advised them to observe Anant Chaturdashi fast. Fasting from the Pandava law and wearing an infinite formula. Under the influence of Anant Chaturdashi fast, the Pandavas became free from all sufferings. On September 12, the auspicious auspicious time is from 7 am to 12 noon for Anant Pooja.
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