Thursday, September 19, 2019

IP SPOOFING - A Technique that takes your identity to another Country - VPN

IP SPOOFING - A Technique that takes your identity to another Country - VPN

IP Spoofing is a technique used by the hackers, cyber security professionals to keep their identity anonymous.

The word spoofing means masquerading the actual identity that is to create a false identity as real one. IP Spoofing means spoofing of the IP address. IP address gives the details of our internet location. It is helpful in communicating over the internet. IP address is the unique identity of individuals internet address or location. With the help of IP address we can trace the location of an individual.

IP Spoofing has both pros and cons it is mostly used for illegal purposes where as it is been used by security professionals, ethical hackers, forensic people etc.

Hackers use IP Spoofing to stay anonymous in-order to get caught or traced by the people when they do some illegal sort of stuff. Security Professionals also spoof their IP address in-order to hide their actual location from the hackers, intruders etc.

In general whenever we start communicating over the internet a request is been sent to the internet provider from our router and from then we gets directed to the internet which is called (WAN) Wide Area Network and from then our requests gets processed. Here the flow is like whenever you search for something in a website your ip address is been communicating to the internet in some standard path. This standard path is fixed your ip directed to internet provider and from then it moves to some other nodes all these communication happens within the standard nodes. Since the path is standard and fixed the ip address can be traced easily because it is not been masked.

When it comes to the hackers and security professionals they use some special type of technology called VPN which is nothing but Virtual Private Network Which helps you in masking your actual identity and showing your location in some other country. Here people make use of some browsers, Software's like TOR, DuckDuckGo, Epic Browser etc. All these use VPN's which help in masking our ip address and makes us to connect to some other country's ip address which automatically makes our identity anonymous, so that no one can find your actual identity in-order to trace your identity. Here the nodes that we use to communicate changes randomly there will be no fixed path in communicating over the internet. It moves randomly from one node to some other node. This is been used by the Security analysts, military security analysts etc in-order to hide the identity and secure the country's secrets etc. Common people also make use of this VPN's in-order to protect their data and remain free from hackers.
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