Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Use this Bridgefi app messaging app to chat without internet offline chat app


Use this messaging app to chat without internet

Nowadays when we talk about messaging app, WhatsApp's name comes in the mind which is most popular at this time. But to use this app, we need internet connectivity. We cannot send messages or photos or videos from this app without internet.

Recently a messaging app is in the headlines that allows us to send messages without internet named Bridgefy. Actually, this app uses Bluetooth to send messages.

Downloads have increased by almost 4000% in the last two months. This app is being used in large quantities by the exhibitors in Hong Kong. Despite the government shutting down the internet there, the performers are talking to each other through this app.

The offline chat app, which is based on Bluetooth and allows protesters to communicate with each other without an Internet connection, according to Maple Aptia.

The good thing is that Bluetooth phones have a range of around 100m - it uses a mesh network, which allows users to link devices together to transmit messages from one phone to another.

The Bridgefi app, which uses end-to-end RSA encryption over private direct and mesh messaging, co-founded by San Francisco-based startup Jorge Rios and has been used at concerts or stadiums where fans has a large number.
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