Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How many backlinks are needed to rank on Google

Every blogger has a question in his mind that how much backlink must be there to rank a blog post in search engine.

Although this question is a bit strange, but in today's article we will learn about it in detail.

First of all you should understand that the main keyword in your post is on the search related to the keyword, who is at the top in Google results and how many backlinks it has. Now it is natural that you need more backlinks to come to the position above it in the snake result.

There is no set limit to how many minimum or maximum backlinks you must have to rank in Google.

One is able to rank his post in 5 to 10 backlinks only, while one cannot rank his post even in 20 backlinks because the quality of backlinks is there.

If you want to rank your post, then you should focus on creating quality backlinks not on backlinks as you can also rank your posts in search engine by creating 10 to 15 quality backlinks and bring good traffic to your posts.

Whether you want to get backlinks from the site or the site with which you want to create a link, no matter what your method is, guest posting, blog commenting or bookmarking, you should first check the authority of that site as best as possible. The more backlinks you get from the authority website, the more your post will rank.

The more backlinks you have for any article or blog, the better, but it is better to make 50 high quality backlinks than 15 high quality backlinks because today Google focuses on quality, not quality.

So hopefully you have understood how many backlinks you should create and what kind of backlinks you should make to rank your blog posts.


So I will prove to you that if you make 3 to 5 high quality backlinks for your blog post in a week, it will help you a lot in getting your post to a good position in search engine results, so that your post search in no time Will rank in the engine and good traffic will start coming to your blog.

If you want to rank your post in the search engine, then you must make a backlink.

Hopefully, you should have got the answer to your question how much you should make backlinks. How did you like this post? Please comment and tell me if you have any suggestions, you can ask by commenting.
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