Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Was the Delhi Police soldiers angry with their officers?

The Jawans are at the lowest rung in the police system. It is a matter of perception. Actually, reverse this, the police system starts with the jawan. If we understand this, then Union Minister Kiran Rijiju does not have to delete his tweet. At least one minister could stand in favor of a soldier Karan. Because a soldier is weak in front of a lawyer. A lawyer has a voice, a reputation, money, an open opportunity to showcase talent. The soldier has 100 types of restrictions. The terms of the job do not let him speak. So it was important that Kiran Rijiju did not delete his tweet and would stand with Constable Karan.

Kiran Rijiju retweeted IPS Aslam Khan's tweet, in which Aslam also tweeted a video in which a lawyer is killing constable Karan. Try thinking in simple Hindi. For this you do not even have to be a non resident Indian. NRIs will also see this scene as if the gardens of India have come out. What the Minister of State for Home had said was right. That thing is also commonly said, then why delete it? He is a deputy in the Home Ministry where Sardar Patel was first sitting. Who was going to be offended by this tweet that was deleted? Good thing, Kiran Rijiju retweeted it and added that video again.

Second tweet that do not take the law in your hands, but let the law do its work. What is this tweet about? Is Rijiju saying that the law is not being allowed to do its work? And who is not allowing the law to do its work? This is not clear from his tweet. Then Kiran Rijiju third tweet that it is not a question of supporting any group, just do not take the law in your hands.

Kiran Rijiju is saying something formless or any realization is not clear from the above lines. Are they telling any lawyer, then they could have written clearly. When it was felt that he tweeted in support of lawyers, he tweets again.

By the time the minister was busy deleting his tweet and retweeting, the families of Delhi Police personnel had started reaching outside the police headquarters. After finishing their duties with them, the soldiers also started coming. Seeing the video which has united these soldiers for the demonstration, the lawyer will also feel that the lawyer who raised his hand on the constable Karan, weakened the case of the lawyers.

In this picture, Constable Karan behaves like a disciplined soldier. He does not get angry even after being killed. Karan reached Saket court in connection with his case. But these lawyers started beating him. He also hit with an elbow and hit Karan's helmet on his bike. Throughout this episode, Karan demonstrated peace and courage. Did not get angry. The gentleman was treated by the police and the lawyers went on a one-sided assault. To see it was to go through a kind of frustration that hardly any non-resident Indian would understand. The frustration is whether the Iqbal of this police has fallen so much that whoever wants it will take off his uniform. The frustration was also from the fact that there is no status of a young person, how much the spirits of those who understand this will increase.

Everyone knows that there is no organization of soldiers. No one tweets for them. This question is about a young man's self-esteem. Today's incident shows how important it is for the soldiers across the country to have a union. It is a must that the IPS Association tweeted and said that the incident which has taken place between the police and the lawyer is unfortunate. There is a balanced view about the facts in public. Policemen who have been insulted, the whole country is with them. We also criticize anyone who has tried to break the law. Obviously it was not enough. Within the police personnel, it became clear that the Commissioner of Delhi Police, Amulya Patnaik neither tweets for his police nor goes to see the injured policeman.

Then what happened in Delhi had never happened in the era of news channels. When it felt that the society was not coming forward for a jawan, then the families and jawans of the jawans came forward. As the days passed, the performance of the jawans grew larger. Banner posters started talking in different ways. Started asking for justice. These banners in the hands of wives are going to give better respect to the soldiers not only in Delhi but also across the country. Kiran Bedi's poster also appeared. That you are missing. Kiran Bedi had a confrontation with lawyers. With which she became a hero. Today he is the Lieutenant Governor. How could she tweet. His tweet did not come, which is understandable. But it is not good if the jawans of Commissioner Amulya Patnaik remember the retired police officer. Whatever the image of the police, it should not be the basis. Then even the image of journalists is not good. The image of the leaders is not good. This incident cannot be seen on that basis. It was also sad to see the police helpless, but it was pleasant to see them organized and fighting for their honor. If someone is crying in uniform, then his suffering should be understood. He is a policeman but also a human being. So is crying

The effect of this demonstration was that 24 hours after the assault with Constable Karan, Delhi Police filed a case. Against lawyers who beat up. The soldiers came forward and placed ten demands on their behalf. He even said that the police engaged in the security of the judges should be removed. This was not a normal thing. Why did this situation arise that someone had to say this. This thing is declaring in a way that the Iqbal of the state is over. The bond of trust between the state and the citizen has deepened. It needs to be filled. The demand of Delhi Police soldiers is right that they should get the right to form associations. Not only Delhi, the police all over the country should get the right to form associations. When there is an association of IPS, so should the jawan.

A series of meetings started within the Delhi Police Headquarters. A meeting was also held with Lieutenant Governor. First Commissioner Amulya Patnaik addressed. The police and their families engaged in the protest followed discipline and demonstrated in a peaceful manner. First listen to Amulya Patnaik and then in the evening the Joint CP came and told what the result of the meeting was. They will be the best treatment for the injured police. He also said that action will be taken against the lawyers on the complaint of the policeman. FIR has been registered. According to the law.

On hearing this, the police and the family members of the police started raising slogans of the union. They wanted to know what was decided on the union's case. There was no concrete assurance on this route. Union not found. Joint CP Devesh Srivastava told him what his rights were. What is their forum?

Another demand of the soldiers was to withdraw the suspension of the 16 policemen who have been suspended after the incident of Tis Hazari. On this, when Joint CP Devesh Srivastava started telling, the voice of the slogans started getting so high that his talk started getting lost. The soldiers remained adamant on withdrawal. The rest of Devesh Srivastava's words could not be heard in the noise.

Meanwhile, the Center sought an explanation from the Delhi High Court as to what was needed to say that there would be no strict action against the lawyers. On Sunday, two senior police officers were transferred by a bench of Chief Justice DN Patel and Justice C Harishankar. Special Commissioner Sanjay Singh transferred. Additional DCP Harinder Singh transferred. Two assistant sub-inspectors were suspended. No action was taken against any lawyer. The lawyers were instructed to give the best treatment. Did this make the jawans feel that nothing has been said about their treatment? No action was taken against the lawyers. As soon as evening, Delhi Police personnel gathered at India Gate. In this, the elders of the police family were also marching. The CRPF was deployed here. It was evening but no solution was found so far.

The soldiers were not restless due to this incident. He was not on the road. The IPS officers of the Police of Delhi were also growing uneasily. His tweets were telling that he was upset with his leadership. Those who are in service also started speaking for their soldiers. It is obvious that he was watching the politics of that balance which was becoming one-sided.

IPS Madhur Verma has written that I am sorry, we are the police. We do not exist. We are not a family. We do not have any human rights. By reviving this, Asmal Khan tweeted that we are punching bags. I am curious to know which are the senior officers who have met the injured policeman in the hospital. Police morale is slowly declining. IPS Samyukta has tweeted that it is very disturbing. We should be fair but whoever is a punk should be called a goon this time. IPS D Rupa tweeted that the entire system has been made fun of. I wish that those who are in the leadership should take strict action or else the morale of the police force will be broken and the goons will be forced to keep taking the law in their hands. The Chief of Police of Andaman and Nicobar has come in black coats, which are destroying the fabric of Delhi. There is no need to maintain law fear among them. The Delhi Police needs to take a stand in the case of quarrels between the old lawyers and the police. IG of Arunachal Pradesh Dr Sagar Prati Hooda tweeted that no one is above the law. Anyone who has committed hooliganism should be punished. IPS Hooda wrote that the incident of Tis Hazari has shaken the collective consciousness of the whole society. The time has come that lawyers should also study law. Former Commissioner Neeraj Kumar tweeted that I agree. No leader There is no brotherhood. If a member of the team is captured by the goons and no leadership is revealed. The police leadership is hidden. Is embarrassing. Former DGP Prakash Singh tweeted that in a country where a police soldier is killed every week, it can be said that chaos has come.

Is IPS Monica Bhardwaj molested? Monika Bhardwaj has not lodged any complaint on her behalf but an audio has gone viral in which her bodyguard is saying that she tried to save Madam but Madam was surrounded by a mob of lawyers. Were abusing When he arrived to save Madam, an attempt was made to snatch his service revolver. If this happens, should the DCP not register an FIR, who will speak if the IPS officer does not speak. It should be investigated whether Monika Bhardwaj has been prevented from filing a complaint?

Neither the day was passing nor the evening was passing. The number of soldiers was increasing. Everything was frozen. Delhi Police personnel were also doing duty on one side. Demonstrations were coming after duty. The movement of soldiers started getting support from organizations of other states. The IPS Association of Haryana Bihar and Tamil Nadu was supported. The last time in 1967, Delhi Police demonstrated so long. About demanding eight hours of home and work for yourself.

Things are not normal. Lieutenant Governor has said that maintain confidence and senior police officers should meet the injured. This order states that there has been a huge lapse from the police leadership. It is normal to meet injured policemen. After all, why did the police officers not go? Don't know, it doesn't grow that much. The Lieutenant Governor has appealed to maintain peace and harmony. Today the police was not only demonstrating, the lawyers were also doing it. On the other hand, the other party in this whole case is of lawyers who are still on strike in the lower courts of Delhi. They demand that they will not break their strike till strict action is taken against the policemen convicted for the violence.

The Bar Council of India, after taking stock of the incident on Saturday, issued a statement urging the lawyers to withdraw their strike. On this matter, some pseudo people are disguising the image of advocacy in the form of angry lawyers. Bar Council of India Chairman Manan Kumar Mishra said that such lawyers are getting encouraged due to the laxity of bar associations of lawyers. He directed the bar associations to identify the lawyers who committed the violence and give their names to the Bar Council. However, Manan Kumar Mishra raised serious questions about the role of Delhi Police in this entire episode and said that the dharna that was performed at the Police Headquarters was merely a drama in the guise of trying to hide the culprits.
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