Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Why are flamingos pink color and Flamingos diet


So this aquatic bird is pink, will be shocked to know the reason

The common flamingo is a popular bird from the order of flamingos. The other name of these individuals is Pink Flamingo. It is not just that this species is known by almost everyone; Pink flamingo is the most common, and also, a large variety. These birds are made by very beautiful, unique and elegant individuals. Below we present a detailed description of the pink flamingo, as well as some interesting facts about these birds.

You must have seen Flamingo (flamingo), a beautiful beautiful sea bird in the zoo. This pink colored creature is very attractive. However, it is a matter of thinking that normal sea creatures are not pink. Then, despite being a sea bird, the flamingo has such an unusual color that it is a miracle of nature in itself. Most seabirds are found in white or brown. But Flamingo's pink color makes him quite different from the others.

Flamingos of other sea birds also thrive in the same environment.


But despite this, their wings are pink. You will be surprised to hear that according to science this pink color is associated with their specific food. That is, the color of birds is associated with their diet. You will be surprised to know that flamingos are not pink from birth. Gradually turn pink.

The most interesting fact about flamingos is that they turn pink over time. Actually flamingos are also born with gray feathers like other birds. Talking about baby flamingos, they are very interestingly grown. Their wings change color with age. Then they start looking attractive and beautiful. Flamingos eat fish, insects, garbage, fries, seeds, etc. in the diet.

Talking about the food of flamingos, they make aquatic animals their prey. They mostly contain algae and shrimp. Now comes the pink color, then tell you that a specific element is found in shrimp and algae. It is called carotenoid. Due to this element, flamingos turn pink in color. This can be said to mean that flamingos consume mainly carotenoids in their food. This is why they turn pink. If you also want to be pink like a flamingo, then eat foods with carotenoids. This element is most commonly found in carrots.

Why flamingos are pink, you will be surprised to know the reason


Have you ever wondered why flamingos (flamingos) are pink ..? Wait not only do you think so alone but many people think about why flamingo is such an unusual color being a sea bird. Your children can also ask you the same question. In such a situation, you must know the answer…

If you look at any other bird of the sea, you will find mostly white or brown color, but the flamingo's clique makes it different. We know you will not have the answer. Science also works behind this.

Other seabirds such as gulls or pelicans do not have such gorgeous colorful feathers. But an analogy is definitely found in them. Other birds also thrive in the same environment as the flamingo. Despite this, their wings are always gray and white.

Now the question will come in your mind, does this mean that Flamingo is a special bird? Why do their wings have pink instead of brown? Believe it or not, but science itself says that as the color of their wings is related to their diet. You must be shocked to know that flamingos are not born pink.

One of the most amazing things about the flamingo bird's wings is that they turn pink over time. These birds are big. In fact, they are born with gray feathers.

If we talk about baby flamingos, then they grow up very interestingly. Initially it is difficult to compare them with other seabirds, but when they are large, their feathers change color and they look very attractive and distinctive.


What do flamingos eat
Like flamingo seagulls, fish, insects, garbage, fries, seeds, etc. are eaten in the diet, but in fact flamingos take their diet in a very selective way.

Flamingos like to eat water creatures, mostly algae and shrimp. But why would this affect the color of their wings? It is such that shrimp and algae are high in all colors known as carotenoids. You can understand this as such. It is no coincidence that when we boil the shrimp they turn pink. Therefore it can be said that the Flamingo 'diet mainly takes carotenoid substances the most, so they turn pink.

These other foods come in carotenoids
If you want your skin to be pink like a flamingo, you can eat these foods because they contain carotenoids.

- Sweet Potatoes


Flamingo presence
The presence of these pink birds is not able to go unnoticed. These individuals are rewarded by nature with thin and long legs, as well as long and very flexible necks. The color of the flamingo is very unusual and attracts many ideas. In adults, the feather is often a pale pink color. The feathers of these birds have a violet red color, with the exception of some feather feathers, which are painted black. The long legs of these individuals also stand out from the pink color. The beak is painted in the same shade, only its tip is different and it has a black color.

The unusual appearance of a flamingo not only has a beautiful color, but also a long and graceful neck, which is very elegantly presented as a question mark. Often when they stand on one leg they attract the attention of others. They do this to conserve heat, hiding a leg in their wings. When you look from the side, it seems that this situation is extremely inconvenient, however, for the Flamingos, the situation is very simple and does not require any additional effort.

On the heads of these pink birds, a very large bill is remarkably prominent. Compared to most relatives, the upper area of ​​the flamingo beak may change position, but, on the contrary, is in a steady state. On the heads of these birds you can see areas free of feathers, painted in bright red. These include the bridle and the area around the eyes. The Flamingo's body is circular, and the tail is short.

On the outside, they look quite large. This is mainly due to their considerable length. Adults reach a length of 130 cm. In this case, the body weight of birds is up to 4 kg. On the feet, 4 fingers can be distinguished, and 3 of them will be attached to a special swimming membrane.

Many people wonder why flamingos are so unusual for birds - pink. The fact is that this shade gives them a certain substance - carotene, which enters their body with food. Small carotenes are found in small red crustaceans, which are used in large quantities by flamingos. It is for them to give birds their beautiful unusual colors.

While in a zoo, flamingos also retain their color, as carotene-containing products are introduced into their diet. These include carrots, small crustaceans, and sweet peppers. It is thanks to these components that the flamingos at the zoo remain as bright and beautiful as nature.


Housing & Lifestyle
Pink or mango flamingo is the most common type of flamingo. These birds live in areas of Europe, mainly from the south, in Africa, as well as in southwest Asia. Erola can be found in the European part of flamingos in Sardinia, France, as well as Spain. On the African continent, flamingos are found in their southern regions. In addition, these individuals are common in Tunisia on the island part of Cape Verde in Morocco, Kenya and Mauritania. You can also see flamingos roaming the lakes of southern Afghanistan and the island of Sri Lanka in the northwest of India. Surprisingly, these birds can also be found in parts of Kazakhstan's water bodies.

In the region of our country, pink flamingos do not make nests, however, they migrate every year to the mouth of the Volga River, the Stavropol region and the Krasnodar region. Sometimes these people also fly to Siberia, Urals, Yakutia and Primorsky Cry. In Russia, they do not live, but only fly from their territories. Flamingos are experiencing winter in areas of Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkmenistan.

Flamingos are mass birds, they do not live alone. You can find them in the most diverse groups. When birds fly from one place to another, they join together in fairly large flocks. During the nesting period, they are kept in small groups. Flamingos are mainly located on lakes with high salt content in the water, as well as in estuaries and marine lagoons. You can meet them at places that do not have open access and include the dirty bottom of the reservoir. These birds live along the banks of large lakes and other water bodies. Here you can see the entire colony of flamingos, their number can reach several hundred thousand persons.

In most cases, flamingos are extremely sedentary, however, from time to time they are able to move within their areola if they find places with more comfortable positions. Sometimes this step is caused by insufficient food at the former place of residence. Those populations, living in the north, make flights to warmer areas for nesting.

Flamingos are hardy birds capable of living in completely different conditions. They easily tolerate temperature fluctuations, they are also able to survive extreme weather conditions. They are found near very saline and alkaline reservoirs. This is mainly due to the fact that a large number of crustaceans live in such lakes. Here a fish, as a rule, is absent, as it cannot live in such salty waters. Flamingo common life on lakes in most mountains.

Many people are surprised that flamingos can easily live on very salty lakes. In principle, this is not surprising, as their legs are covered with very dense skin. To relieve thirst or to wash the salt from the feet and body, birds are known from time to time in fresh water bodies with fresh water.
Due to the active work of trade officers, as well as the activities of hunters, the number of flamingos colonies had decreased significantly. Today, this species is not mentioned as a cause of concern in the Lal Kitab.


Flamingo diet
Flamingos are the basis of normal dietary crustaceans. In addition to them, they can be used to eat various insects, insects, clams, and even algae. Unusual and large peaks help them feed their birds with which it can easily separate food from water and mud. First, the bird collects water in its beak, after which it closes it and gently pushes the water, leaving food in the mouth. This process is very fast.

The only threats to flamingos are predators, often settling near their colonies. If individuals feel danger and anxiety, they are dispersed. Interestingly, equally successful flamingos are scattered both on water and on land.
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