Tuesday, May 07, 2019

TikTok is shedding money like water to increase its users!

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Learn How To Impress Your Users - TikTok is shedding money like water to increase its users!

The band of short video sharing app tickers in India brought headlines all over the world. In April, the Madras High Court asked to bans this app, after which it was removed from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. After about a week, the court talked about the removal of the ban from this app, and after 14 days it was available for download again.

With this Chinese app coming back to Google PlayStore and AppStore, it's named the most downloaded smartphone app in just two days. According to the report of Analytic Platform App Annie, on April 30, when Tikak returned to the AppStore, it was ranked 90th in India in the most downloaded apps on the Google Play Store. It was 13th in the category of social apps. Just one day after it reached the fourth place in the 15th and most sophisticated apps in the most downloaded apps.

According to the report, when this app was removed from AppStore on 17th April, the app was in top of the list of daily downloads. But due to the Madras High Court order, Google and Apple were removed from the store due to its lack of users. To get access to its users, Ticket-owned company Bytedance is adopting new ways.(make money on Tik Tok)

The company is rewarding millions for increasing users
In order to increase its users, BytDance is distributing cash prize of Rs 3 lakh every day, due to which its downloads are constantly increasing. The user who downloaded this app from 1st May to 16th May will get a chance to win 1 lakh. It is believed that the company is adopting revenue to raise revenue due to this technical ban. According to the Reuters report, due to the ban, the company was losing about $ 5 million (Rs 3.48 crore) daily.

Safety is also keeping

Bytesdance does not want anybody to harm its users due to some reason, so the company is also taking care of the safety of the users. On May one, the company has announced two safety features. It has a notification control and another device management tool that will allow users to control logins on their device so that they can avoid hacking. Apart from this, the company has introduced In-App quiz for users so that they can be saved from password protection, fishing attempts and fraud.

Ban on the TikTok in these countries
- Tuckack was banned in Indonesia last year too. 1.70 lakh people filed a petition saying that this lip-syncing app is not suitable for children. The ban was removed when the Ticket spokesman talked about hiring more people to stop such content.

- The French police also warned parents about the threat of tickocks, saying that their children can be targeted for obscene sexual offers.

  • In the US, Tychik paid $ 5.7 million in the name of collecting children's names, email addresses and locations for children under the age of 13 years and all newcomers talked about verifying their age.

  • In the beginning of this year, Tikak was one of 20,000 websites and apps in Bangladesh, which was asked by the then telecom minister Mustafa Jabbar to ban under 'War Against Pornography'.
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