Friday, June 21, 2019

Cardi B indicted by grand jury in NY in connection with strip club brawl

Cardi B indicted by grand jury in NY in connection with strip club brawl
Cardiac District Attorney's Office spokesman Ann Mary Torton confirmed to USA Today that Cardi B was presented by a grand jury in New York on Friday.

On Friday, in a lawsuit filed in the state court, Cardi B attempted felony in two cases, and various charges were made in connection with a fight last year, the Associated Press confirmed.

Tutaran said that on Tuesday the details of the suit in relation to platinum-selling and Grammy winner rapper will be canceled in court.

The 26-year-old rapper, in the Queen's Strip last summer, has been inside and out of the court for months in late May, after accusations of several cases of assault and carelessness in connection with a dispute.

Cardi, whose real name was Belkis Alamnazar, was arrested in October last year due to a number of misconceptions after the morning scuffle at the Engels Gentlemen Club in Queens. The police said that he provoked the fight and the members of his team did it.

Police report said that there was a feud during which chairs, bottles and hookah water pipes were thrown, in which two women, including a bartender, were injured.

In April, the Office of the Queens District Attorney said that the rapper dismissed a deal which convicted him for counting a misdemeanor and was released in jail under certain conditions instead of time.
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