Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sony Reon Rocket is a body-cooling wearable, We need Sony's wearable air conditioner right now

Sony Reon Rocket is a body-cooling wearable, We need Sony's wearable air conditioner right now

Sadly this is until March 2020

The new Sony Ron Rocket is a body wearable who promises to save you from heat in the summer. Fox all who are facing the current heat waves that affect the world, may agree: it should be caught between air conditioning and havan. But, what if you can take AC with you? These are the only wearable promises.

Sadly, this device is not yet for sale: it should be framed earlier, and if it makes its own goal (this is currently funded 44%), then by March 2020 it should be a ship. But, it is very difficult to ignore the promise of mobile cooling.

After hundreds of simulations, Sony estimates that Reon Pocket should be able to cool the temperature of a user by 13 degree Celsius (23 degrees Fahrenheit) according to Gizmodo. The device can also help in cold days (if you can remember what they are), heating the body to 8 ° C (about 14 ° F).

Portable AC in a proprietary shirt
Ron Rocket itself has a 85g bean size of a garage remote that slips into a specially built shirt pocket - exactly on top of your spine, in fact. You can control it through iOS or Android phones, and an "auto mode" is coming. The battery lasts 24 hours with full recharge of 2 hours.

Starting the price for a Ron Rocket on your crowdfunding page is 14,080 yen (about $ 129, £ 104, AU $ 186), although you can make more pledges to get additional shirts and pockets. No, it can not work with a regular or DIY-changed shirt: the device sits in a specially cut slip for it to vent with a small cutout. It is not clear if the device is elsewhere then it is effective.

You can also pay less for a lower performance version, Ron Rocket Lite. This model starts from 12,760 yen (about $ 117, £ 944, AU $ 168), although it has only manual control.
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