Wednesday, September 18, 2019

India bans e-cigarettes as vaping backlash grows

India bans e-cigarettes as vaping backlash grows, The Indian declaration, which also included production, import and distribution, came a day after New York became the second US state to ban flavored e-cigarettes.

Some Indian states have already banned e-cigarettes, although the restrictions have been made ineffective as online selling of vaping products continues.

India on Wednesday announced a ban on the sale of electronic cigarettes, as health concerns around the world are gaining momentum due to publicity as a less harmful product than tobacco smoking.

The Indian declaration also underscores the production, import and distribution, when New York became the second US state to ban flavored e-cigarettes after a string of vapor-related deaths.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman told reporters in New Delhi, "This decision was made keeping in mind the impact of e-cigarettes on today's youth."

E-cigarettes do not "burn", but rather heat a liquid - tasting everything from bourbon to bubble gum and which usually contains nicotine - which turns into vapor and goes inside.

The vapor is vanishing an estimated 7,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke but contains many substances that could be potentially harmful.

They have been pushed by producers, as an alternative to traditional smoking, and by some governments in the UK - and as a way of kicking the habit.

Although critics say that in addition to being harmful in itself, e-cigarette liquids are particularly appealing to children and they are at risk of becoming addicted to nicotine.

Some 3.6 million middle and high school students in the United States used vaping products in 2018, an increase of 1.5 million from a year earlier.

New York emergency law followed an outbreak of severe pulmonary disease that killed seven people and sickened hundreds.

President Donald Trump's administration announced last week that it would soon ban e-cigarette products to stem the rising tide of young users.

Although some Indians currently rape, the Indian ban cuts a huge potential market for 1.3 billion consumers for manufacturers of e-cigarettes.

Tobacco firms have invested heavily in technology to make up for the declining demand for cigarettes, especially in the West due to high taxes and public smoking bans.

In 2018, the US manufacturer of brands such as Marlborough and Chesterfield placed approximately $ 13 billion in bets at Juul, one of the largest e-cigarette manufacturers.

Some Indian states have already banned e-cigarettes, although the restrictions have been made ineffective as online selling of vaping products continues.

The new ban does not cover traditional tobacco products in India. World Health Organization

According, India is the world's second largest consumer of tobacco products, killing about 900,000 people every year.

About 275 million people out of 15 or 35 percent of adults are users, although chewing tobacco - which causes cancer - is more prevalent than smoking.

India is also the world's third largest producer of tobacco, the WHO says, and tobacco farmers are an important vote bank for political parties.

According to the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry, an estimated 45.7 million people depend on the tobacco sector in India for their livelihood.

Tobacco is also a major Indian export, and the government, directly or indirectly, holds substantial stakes in tobacco firms, including ITC, one of India's largest companies.
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